Sub-Surface Station Fire Evacuation Research and Best Practice Trevor Dowens
International Journal of Railway, vol. 2, no. 1, pp.18-21, 2009
Abstract : The basis of modern risk-based safety management is to focus on what might happen and ensure it is designed out of the
system by robust hazard identification and risk analysis. However, in the real world things go wrong and it is essential to
be prepared for the worst so that the response can minimise harm and loss of property and damage to the environment.
Whilst some hazard mitigation measures are aimed at preventing incidents, others are aimed at minimising harm and preventing
escalation.The results of the tests concluded that the most effective means of evacuation was that carried out
by the control room, both with and without, local station staff assistance using directive public address announcements
and CCTV surveillance.
Keyword :
Fire Evacuation, Surveillance System