International Journal of Railway (IJR) is a quarterly journal aimed to publish high quality papers that deal with most significant and the state-of-the-art research in all area of railway. The journal is an online, open-access and peer-reviewed international journal. The scope of journal covers broad range of railway including track & civil engineering, rolling stocks and mechanical engineering, signal and electrical engineering and policy and management issues, as well as other cross-disciplinary themes which can be applicable to railway industry. The journal invites original research papers, review articles, technical reports and short communication containing any insight and informative results to any fields of railway. IJR is committed to publish top-tier original papers in all areas of railway. |
Track & Civil Engineering
Rolling Stocks and Mechanical Engineering,
Signal and Electrical engineering
Railway policy and management |
Volume 11, Number 1, June 2018 |
Productivity Analysis for the 3D Digitization of Earthwork Sites Based on Scanning Conditions
Jae-woo Park and Seok Kim |
Investigation of Impact Resistance for Latex Modified Hardened Cement Pastes
Tri N.M. Nguyen, Nam-Hyoung Lim, Yun-Suk Kang, and Jung J. Kim |
Optimization of the Use of Distributed Generation Systems for Power Supply of Electric Power Stations of the Islamic Republic of Iran Railways
Omid Zeinali Mollayousefi |
Geometrical Determination and Numerical Calculation of the Wheel-rail Contact Surface
Tatiana-Ioanna Gialama and Konstantinos Liberis |